Thursday, July 10, 2014


On June 30th I (Julie) headed to the airport with my son Franklin as we began our journey to Singapore. The purpose of this trip was to do some educational testing with Franklin so that we can better understand how he processes and learns things. I will be honest that this was a hard time for me as I had heard how this place was really good for some families and then I had heard how some people found it a waste of time. So my prayer going into this was that we would not be wasting time and money and that we would hopefully walk away with some kind of answers.

The testing was broken into three days with one of those days actually including six hours of testing that Franklin went through. We are so proud of him as he went through all of this and never complained about anything. And every specialist said that he worked really hard and that they were all impressed with his imagination. At the end of day two we had one confirmed diagnoses, learned some key things about how his brain is actually processing things, and talked about another possible diagnoses that would require blood work. Also, they confirmed that he really is not that far behind for his grade level as we had thought all around and that the areas that he was low are due to the diagnoses. It was a amazing time of learning about my son and can't wait to start working with him now that I better understand some things.

And in between all the testing we found time to hit the hotel pool and of course walk through the mall that was right across the street. This mall had about ten floors to walk through and all of his favorite places to eat so that made for one happy boy. On top of that he found is favorite candy (Skittles), obtained three new Archie Comic books and watched a couple of movies. With all of that though I think that his favorite thing was watching some of the really cool cars that would drive by. Singapore is one of the richer countries in the world so you can imagine what he got to see.

Enjoying a Quzinos sub for the first time in over a year!

 Nothing like a cold pop and cartoons to help you recover from a day of travel.

As you can tell it has been awhile since he has been able to enjoy a package of Skittles.

The view from outside of our hotel room.

 This was our bus station that we would use every day to get to the doctors office.

Just hanging with the locals!

 This picture and the two below are just views of the city around our bus station.

 Looking down from the top floor of the mall towards the bottom.

Waiting to watch a movie after finishing up three days of testing.

Finding three of his favorite books made the flight home a lot easier.

My take home pile for the kids that were left at home plus the new books that Franklin bought. All three of our children love to read these comic books.

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