Please consider and pray about partnering with us through MAF so we can continue to serve with MAF in Indonesia!
Thank you for prayerfully considering joining our ministry support team!
Full time missionaries like our family would not be able to carry out our work without your support in Prayer, and Finances. You may feel that a small gift will not amount to much, on the contrary, just as an airplane is put together with different size parts so is our Ministry Partnership Team. 1 x $1000 + 3 x $500 + 7 x $200 + 15 x $100 + 20 x $50 + 40 x $25 + Lots and Lots of Prayer = $7500 so you see our team needs to be made up of all different sizes and types of gifts which will come from different people in different walks of life. Prayerfully consider where you might fit into our Ministry Partnership team. And please contact us if you are able and interested in being one of our Ministry Partners.
Your monthly, quarterly, annual or onetime support of this ministry will enable us to continue the work in Indonesia full time. You may be interested to understand how your ministry support is utilized? You can click on the following image to zoom in. This image effectively describes how each ministry partner's dollar is put to work on your behalf!
For those that wish to partner with us through prayer please let us know as it is a great encouragement to us knowing that we have you praying for us.
There are a few different ways to become a financial partner of this ministry through MAF.
1. You can contact us directly via E-mail: or We would be glad to take the necessary information and submit it to MAF Canada or MAF US on your behalf.
2. Pledge via the internet through MAF Canada’s secure website with a Credit Card. Be sure to provide your email address as you will receive a notification that is a confirmation for the transaction. Also be sure to include our name or our project number in the Missionary Family field (Greg & Julie Dole or C485)
3. And there is also the option of using the faithful postman. For Pre-authorized Debit send a void cheque along with the pledge and request card filled out which you will find and can print off from the bottom of the page. Monthly, Quarterly, Annual or Onetime Cheques can be made out to MAF with our Project # C485 in the memo line. Please make sure your contact info is included and feel free to utilize the pledge and request form as well. Mail goes to Mission Aviation Fellowship Canada 264 Woodlawn Road W. Guelph ON N1H 1B6
4. Phone also works, the office staff would be glad to help as well, you can call the MAF Canada office at 1-877-351-9344
5. For U.S.A. Donors all options apply with a couple changes. To receive a tax deductible receipt for U.S.A. donations the donation needs to be processed through the MAF U.S.A.'s office. To make an online donations click here ( Mail would go to Mission Aviation Fellowship 112 N. Pilatus Lane Nampa ID 83687. And calls would be made to MAF U.S.A office at 1-800-359-7623. And our project number in the US is (Dole 23704)
Pledge and Request Card |
Thank you for prayerfully considering joining our ministry support team!
MAF Canada is a charter member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities. Mission Aviation Fellowship is a registered charity and will provide tax receipts when funds are made to MAF on behalf the missionary family.
If you have any further question please don’t hesitate to ask.
Blessings from the Dole’s