Friday, May 3, 2013

Commissioning Service

Well the day has come after countless years depending on were one wants to start counting for this grand journey of becoming a missionary pilot.  Today along with 8 other families were commissioned into service with MAF, and will shortly be heading to their assigned field of service.  Each family received a beautiful journal in which we were encouraged to use to document our journey and God's faithfulness to our family as we go and serve.  We were also challenged to W. I. N. rather than to just FLOP = Flights, Landings, Operations, Passengers or to sink into the PITS = Paperwork, Inspections, Turbine knowledge, Standards.
W- Work Diligently to Know the Word
I - Intentionally Endure Hardship
N - Never Give Up

Orientation Class Spring 2013 

MAF Commissioning Day

1 comment:

  1. Rejoicing with you at this milestone! Say hello to the kids for us!
    Uncle Dan & Aunt Terry
