Monday, March 30, 2015

VIP's on Board

Today is the second time in less than a week that I've had the privilege of taking some VIP's into Mamit (one of my favorite places to go at the moment) for a visit and tour of the ministry and work being done by faithful servants there.

During the descent into the airstrip I was thinking "okay how should I make this approach as nice and smooth for the guests on board"  And as I was thinking this it dawned on me why am I intentionally thinking I need to make this any different from other times that I've flown into Mamit.  The verses from James 2 came to mind.  I don't believe I've intentionally flown with less thought of passenger comfort and safety with Papuan's on board.  But today in my mind I recognized that I was processing extra info because I had VIP's on board.  Is that showing them favoritism, maybe not in actual actions taken as a same smooth flight is always our goal, but in my mind I was showing them favoritism as I put extra effort into my thought process on how to make this flight even more comfortable and smooth.  This particular flight I don't believe my extra thought process resulted in any difference, but God is not about the results but rather our hearts.  As I reflect on the flight, yes in my heart and thoughts I had placed some favouritism there for the VIP's on board.

So as I continue look back on today and last week's flights, I'm realizing that I have the privilege of carrying VIP's every time a passenger steps on board my aircraft regardless of race, color, social status, etc. So as I move forward a new goal for me is to not allow the "who's" on board influence how I make decisions during a flight.  In practice my flights have been handled this way, it's just new mental shift that I need to take, so my heart and thoughts fit with the teachings in James 2.

I'm thankful for the times like this that I can be molded outside of fiery trials and/or learning the hard way.  Lord willing this lesson will stick.

John 3:30

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