Thursday, June 12, 2014

When I am weak then He is strong

I think that the title of this post can best explain how these last few weeks have been for our family. And I am so blessed that I can recall those words and allow God to give me the strength for the task that He has put in front of us. So much has happened in the course of only three short weeks that I still can't believe that it was all accomplished. Our two younger children finished their school year off and that means that they are know adjusting to being home everyday. Franklin is finding this a little hard as he still has to work through the rest of this month before he is done but I think that it is helping that mom and dad are still in school. Along with the ending of the school year the children have said good-bye to some very close friends which is never easy no matter your age. We have helped load containers for two MAF families and sent them on the way to their assignments and have welcomed one new family to Indonesia. With one more family due here in about two weeks and then one family will be leaving for their assignment at the end of the month. Greg completed unit eight and is now almost half way through his last unit. While I (Julie) completed unit 6 this past week and then began unit 7 as well. Through all of this we have been in the process of lining up some testing for Franklin that required a mountain of paperwork to be filled out for that to happen. And it looks like Franklin and I (Julie) will be making a trip to Singapore next month for this testing. And we are still trying to be out among our neighbors and friends and try to be a blessing to them as much as we can. The people here are so precious and like all our previous moves we are not looking forward to saying goodbye. And we hope that our time with them has planted seeds into their hearts that God will continue to help grow.

And for those of you who know us well our summer would not be complete without a big move involved as that is what we have done the last four years. So not wanting to break with tradition our family will be leaving Salatiga on August 4 and will be moving to the Island of Papua. That means that we have now add to our to do list, packing. Also in the month of August we will have hit the four year mark of being with MAFC which is really hard to believe.

Here are some prayer request for us during these last two months on the island of Java:

*  That everyone will be able to finish strong with school and not loss heart as even though we will be done with school the learning will still be coming on.

*  Safety for Julie and Franklin as they travel to Singapore sometime in the month of July.

*  Please pray for our support levels which seem to have dropped over these last few months.

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