Friday, July 15, 2011

The Most Asked Question

One of the most asked questions that people love to ask me is, "how our you really copping with your busy life and how do your children handle the constant moving?" This always brings a smile to my face because if you had asked me this question one year ago I would not of had a very positive answer for you.  However, we serve a great and powerful God who always provides the strength for the task that he puts in front of us! So now I can say with a smile on my face that our crazy life seems almost normal now.  Our family has learned that it doesn't matter were we lay are heads down at night it matters that we are following God's calling. I am always amazed how God has provided strength and understanding among our children as we continue to add constant changes to their lives.  There are days that it is their energy that has kept Greg and I going forward!

Here are some updates on our family:

Last week Jaclynn experienced her first real crash with her bike on pavement.  Even though she thought that she was dying there were just lots of scraps and bruises. And we realized that we need to work more on riding down hills and the importance of using our brakes.

Safer way to crash!!!

Game time at Great Grandma's
Chillin in my favorite chair.

And their off and the blue car takes an early lead.
All three children have enjoyed their birthday presents from their grandparents which were season passes to an amusement park in Calgary.  They have gone know twice and hopefully will be able to go a few more times before we head back East.  Then last week all three children attended a VBS at Greg's Grandmothers church and enjoyed meeting new children.

Not sure who was braver; Julie for going up there or me for letting her go up there?

Job well done even with a smile!!!
Greg and I have been busy meeting with friends and family and sharing about the ministry of MAF.  Plus Greg has been able to help one of his friends wire his new house.  I was even able to go and help him a few days last week and spend some time with Greg.  He even asked and then allowed me to help him pull some wire through the garage rafters and do some hammering up there by myself (actually I think that he didn't really expect me to say yes so I really surprised him by saying yes).

Big Praise Item!!!! Last year I applied for my Canadian Citizenship and I finally heard last Friday that everything is finalized and that I past my test.  So on August 4 I will be sworn in as an Canadian Citizen!!!  This will allow us to receive visas easier when our whole family is from the same country.

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