Sunday, October 3, 2010

Roses do have Thorns

Well week 6 on the road has started to take its toll it has been a roller coaster of emotions. It started with me feeling down and out thinking we are never going to get through this part of our journey. Then a day later God provide some encouragement and readjusted my thinking to think that maybe this is possible after all. It continued with a couple of great visits with some family and friends we hadn't seen in a couple years. And yep then back into discouragement row as I asked a question I may regret as I wasn't ready or expecting the answer I got. So now I wrestle with the answer trying to decide if I need the change of heart or do I pray that the answer to my question changes which is possible as well? God is in the business of changing lives and we look forward with excitement and fear and trembling at times to what God has in store for us. John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease" When it boils down it's really all about Christ not us or what we want but about His work on the cross and it is our duty to share that work with others so that they may know the grace and love of our God in heaven. I'm writing these last couple lines for me to remind myself what it's really all about.

On the lighter side of life our travels have been good the kids have adjusted to living in a holiday trailer which doubles as a classroom for Franklin & Isaac most days. As I type this blog we are driving to visit with some family in Red Deer and our trip odometer which I haven't reset since we left Steinbach on the 23 of August is reading 7944kms and increasing.

Franklin is doing well in school and has only had one minor motorbike crash into some bushes. Isaac lost his first tooth eating corn during one of our wonderful visits with family. Jaclynn is terrorising the farm cats that seem to hang around if I was a cat I would be hiding the moment I heard her voice J

Julie and I are making the adjustment of working together, which has been like a bed of Roses not all pedals but a few thorns as well. They say what doesn't break you makes you stronger I would agree. Yes we have had to make adjustments which have been for the better even thou some have been difficult. I can't imagine doing this without my wonderful wife even with the thorns.

On behalf of my family Thank you for all your prayers and support as we venture forward to the unknown will of God


1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg & Julie, there most certainly would be some challenging emotions after 6 weeks on the road! It is amazing to think you guys are still not in your own beds after visiting us over a month ago!
    I appreciate your honesty and transparency on this blog. It is really encouraging to me. And I especially liked that you wrote about working together as husband and wife :) We have experienced our own bumps in this area, but I know God is using iron to sharpen iron!
    Blessings to your whole family.
